
Eligibility criteria

Membership is open to Public Benefits Organizations who are

  1. Legally registered, not for profit and working in the public interest or providing benefits to the public;
  2. Not registered but hosted by a legally registered organization.
  3. Hold and share in the vision, mission and programme of the CSRG;
  4. Meet the threshold of the PBO Charter and the guidelines for membership.
Types of Memberships

There shall be three types of membership

  1. Associate Member: This category of members identify with and support the vision, mission, values and objectives of the CSRG. They are not entitled to the benefits of full membership but participate in and support activities of the CSRG where appropriate.
  2. Interim Member: Interim members are CSOs that seek to become full members of the CSRG. Interim members will have up to six months to bring their standards into compliance with the provisions of this Constitution and the CSRG Charter. If they fail to comply within the prescribed period without communicating genuine reasons to the secretariat in writing, they shall lose their interim membership. To re-join the CSRG, the interim member shall have to fulfil all the requirements expected for them to become a full member.
  3. Full Member: Full members are CSOs that comply with or exceed the norms and standards that are contained in the CSRG Charter derived from the appropriate laws of Kenya. They are entitled to vote in the General Assembly and have full participation in the governance affairs of the CSRG including vying for office.
Obligations of a Member

All members are required to

Caution: Member organizations that become inactive after being approved as full members shall not be given priority when opportunities arise.
  1. Actively adhere and promote the PBO charter;
  2. Make annual subscription payments and fees;
  3. Actively participate in CSRG activities;
  4. Provide regular feedback to secretariat;
  5. Promote, protect and preserve the actual integrity and public profile of PBOs, the CSRG and the country by advocating for an enabling environment for PBOs.
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